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Regal Stress and Anxiety Remedy 400ml

Pet Care

Stress and anxiety remedy that calms, relieves and enhance your puppy’s mood.
Manufacturers: Nativa , Regal Pet Health
SKU: 803518001
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Regal Stress and Anxiety Remedy, with a delicious artificial beef flavour, has been specially formulated with three effective herbs known for calming stressed, anxious and problematic dogs. This herbal nerve tonic is beneficial for dogs prone to separation anxiety and problem behaviours (including barking, biting, aggression and hyperactivity). It can also be given to soothe nerves during stressful situations such as thunderstorms, fireworks or a car trip.

Ingredients: Chamomile (Chamomilla recuita flos tincture20%) 150mg, Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnate herba tincture 62%) 100mg and Valerian (Valeriana officinalis radix tincture 62%) 100mg.

Indications: Stress and anxiety remedy that calms, relieves and enhance your puppy’s mood.

Contraindications: Do not use the product if known hypersensitivity or allergies exists towards any of the ingredients.

Warning and Special precautions: Consult your veterinarian first before treating your dog, especially if your dog is on any other medication.

Dosage: Do not exceed the recommended dosage, efficacy of support may vary between users.

Instructions for use:

Administer liquid directly into the mouth or place it into the mouth or place it into a bowl. If your dog has a fussy palate then simply add some of your dog’s favourite food or snack to the liquid such as pellets, milk or yoghurt.

  • Small dogs (1kg – 4.5kg): Give 2.5ml two to three times a day
  • Small to medium dogs (5kg – 10kg): Give 5ml two to three times a day
  •  Medium dogs (11kg – 20kg): Give 7.5ml two to three times a day
  •  Large dogs (21kg and more): Give 10ml two to three times a day

Pack Size: 400ml

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